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Boomerang Games Rental



Boomerang Rentals

The UK games rental is full of competitive pricing strategy and endorsements, especially from Lovefilm and now Tesco flexing their muscles in the field!

Games Rental

But from my own experiance and fellow gamers I know of we all would reccomend Boomerang Games Rental for both their pricing and the high level of services. You will find that generally the games rental prices across the market are pretty similar with most offering a 21 day or 1 month free trial, after that the standard pricing is around a tennor depending on the number of games and length of time you keep thosse games. Although because Boomerang is simply a games rental company formed by a gamer you can be sure that the service you recieve will be what you expect, whereas from someone like Tesco or Lovefilm you are simply getting a service which is one of many and you are just another number, Boomerang have helpful and knowledgable staff allways willing to help with your queries.

Package Description

Monthly Payment

No. of Games
at a time

Max Games
per month

Package Benefits





The best value game rental package there is! A full month's quality gaming with access to all the latest releases, at a low price.

Unlimited One



No Max

One of our most popular packages. Unlimited games each month, for less than a tenner!

Unlimited Two



No Max

This package is cheaper than our main competitors. Unlimited games and a great service!

Unlimited Priority



No Max

Only with Boomerang – no one else offers this level of service! Unlimited gaming and top priority on all your rentals. Receive more top choices and more New Releases!


The Unlimited Priority package above is basically a VIP service, not available anywhere else simply because LoveFilm and Tesco are too busy doing other stuff. With this package you can have as many XBOX/ XBOX 360, PS2/PS3, Nintendo Wii Games as you like in a month, with 2 at a time, this means that you could rent a game on a Monday, play it on Tuesday and get another game on Wednesday if the game was not what you was expecting.


©2009 filmsandgamesrental.co.uk